Grace UMC provides a nursery during our worship services and Sunday School times so your little one can fellowship with other children. The Nursery takes children from birth to 3 years old.
Every Sunday morning at 9:50 am, your child can join others as they gather together to learn songs for praise and worship in the Fellowship Hall.
We have a special opportunity for our children ages 3 years old through 5th grade, to continue to worship in our Children's Church. After Children's Moment in our worship services, children are led to a special time of worship geared for their age. They will have time of prayer, a lesson, and a lot of fun as they study God together.
Between our worship services we have Sunday School for all ages. We have plenty of classes for your younger children.
Rainbow Class (For 2-3 year olds)
taught by Shannon Hunt
4K-5K Sunday School
taught by Stacy Sams
1st-2nd Grade Sunday School
taught by Sundae Stelts
3rd- 5th Grade Sunday School
taught by Cathy DeHart