Purpose of the Endowment Fund: 

To provide members and friends opportunities to make charitable gifts to Grace United Methodist to be held in perpetuity with the income and/or some portion of the total return on these investments to be used to fulfill the purposes of the United Methodist Church or any of the ministries of the United Methodist Church nationally or worldwide.

about the Endowment

The Endowment Team at Grace United Methodist Church holds responsibility for managing and reporting on the investment of the endowment funds and facilitates a grant process for the endowment. Church members are invited to apply for grant funding to support initiatives for domestic and international missions, facilities improvements, and programs for the church and greater community.

Gifts to the Endowment Fund are directed to one of the following purposes:

Types of Donations

  • Cash Gifts

    Cash, Check or other monetary gift that is typically tax deductible for the donor.

  • Securities

    A security is a financial instrument that can be traded and has monetary value. Securities include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate.

  • Life Insurance

    Donating a life insurance policy to a charity can be done by transferring ownership of the policy or naming the charity as a beneficiary.

  • Annuities

    Donating an annuity to a charity is a way to support a charity while receiving a fixed income for life. The donor, or annuitant, transfers cash or other assets to the charity, which then agrees to pay the annuitant for life. The charity uses the remaining balance to further its mission.

  • IRA's

     Donating money from an IRA to charity is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). QCDs allow IRA owners who are 70½ or older to donate up to a certain amount each year tax-free.

  • Will & Trust

    You can donate to charity through your will or living trust by naming the charity as a beneficiary. You can leave a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate to the charity.

How Is The Fund Managed?

The Endowment Team holds responsibility for managing and reporting on the investment of the funds and facilitates a grant process for the endowment. Each year, the committee distributes grants based on applications from within and outside of the church that are reviewed and approved by the committee.

Distribution of the Fund: 

Available funds are based on the annual earnings from the fund. The principal is always kept intact to ensure future income. 

Why contribute? 

Gifts to the Endowment Fund is about the future of our church. Legacy is a story that is yet to be written, but you hold the pen.

Have a Question?

You can email the chair of our Endowment Committee at Endowment@mygraceumc.org

Have a Cause you want the Endowment to possibly fund?

Fill out the application by clicking the box below and submit it by June 30th.

Endowment Fund Grant Application
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