We know this might sound scary and overwhelming. You may be concerned about how much time it will take each day, or what will happen if you encounter passages that are hard to read or interpret. That is why we are doing this together. We are following the daily devotional called The Bible Year by Magrey R Devega. It only takes about 15 minutes a day to read. We also offer small groups that meet weekly to help you discuss what you read. The sermons on Sundays also follow the reading schedule as well.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What resources will I need to participate?
You will need a copy of The Bible Year by Magrey R. Devega and a copy of the Bible. You can order the Devega book on your own, or call the church office to get a book (online registering has closed).
Does is matter what version of the Bible I read?
Different people prefer different versions of the Bible. We recommend the New Revised Standard Version, but you can read any version. What is most important is you opening the Bible every day and reading.
Should I read a “study Bible” with notes, or should I read a Bible that only has the words of scripture?
A study Bible with notes can be very helpful, but we recommend you use caution. Different groups with very different theologies/interpretations publish study bibles, and some study Bibles espouse things Methodists (and other mainline protestants) do not teach. Pastor Ben recommends the Harper Collins Study Bible.
How long will the readings take each day?
Everyone reads at a different speed, and some people like to reread things. We believe it will take most people about 15-20 minutes a day to complete the daily readings.
How much is there to read?
There is a one page overview for each week as well as a question to mediate on for each day in the devotional. Then each day prescribes from one to three chapters of scripture to read.
How will I find the time to read each day?
Everyone’s schedule is different. If you spend time each day looking at social media, watching cable news, reading for fun, or doing nothing at all then we recommend you use some of that time to read the Bible. If you are willing to put God first in our life each day, God will help you find the time.
What happens if I fall behind in the readings?
Try to read the passage that is assigned for each day. If/when you have time, you can go back and read what you missed. However, the priority is to read the same verses the rest of the church is reading on any given day. And whatever you do, don’t give up. God never gives up on you, so don’t give up on reading the Bible.